
How to Run a Book Club You’ll Actually Want to Attend

Adult Book Clubs - J.V. Fletcher Library

Book clubs are a traditional way to read new books, meet new people, and discuss literature in depth. Joining a book club is exciting, but choosing books and choosing specific discussion topics or activities can make the book club more stressful than fun. Running a fun book club is easier than ever by making sure all members are comfortable, keeping everyone on the same page, and having fun and exciting meetings. Here’s how to run a fun book club without disagreement, drama, or stressful deadlines or events.

Decide the purpose of your book club.

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A book club isn’t just about reading more books. Having a purpose for your book club can make it even more fun and enriching experience.  The people who come to your book club affect everything else about it, so take time deciding who to invite. A book club has many different purposes, from meeting new people to connecting with old friends. For example, participants can bring a friend each week if the aim is to meet new people (Furlan, 2020). So, meet up with people you find interesting or insightful, outgoing and passionate.

Set a meeting place for your book club.

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Think about who is attending the book club and where they will feel most comfortable. For example, more intimate groups like close friends may meet up at a coffee shop or even a friend’s place.  But if you’re meeting new people, a park or library or other public space may be best. No matter what, the meeting space should be communicated clearly and all members should feel comfortable. 

Keep picking a meeting time stress-free

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Picking a time where everyone can meet can seem like an impossible task, but keeping it simple is best. Make sure meetings are consistent, such as a recurring monthly meeting, so it’s easy to remember when meetings are happening. You can also use an online calendar like Google Calendar, where everyone can upload their schedule, and you can pick a time that works for everybody. Online calendars also make it simple for members to leave a note if they can’t make it. It’s essential to keep scheduling easy, flexible, and consistent to maintain the momentum of the book club without making it seem like a chore. 

Make sure everyone is comfortable in your book club. 

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As the book club leader, you have to make sure your book club is a space where everyone can be courageous. Of course, some members are more reserved, but your most important role is to keep the book club a safe space for everyone to share their ideas. According to Polleck and Epstein (2015), “Book clubs facilitated by a mentor or teacher committed to critical literacy can promote analytical reading and provide a space for adolescents to … affirm and negotiate their own culturally complex identities and analyze various forms of oppression” (p. 100). Maintaining a safe space will allow everyone to share and hear other ideas will enable the members to think critically and analyze the text and their values. Besides, if members don’t feel comfortable sharing, how can you expect everyone to have fun?

Choose a book

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Choosing a book should be democratic, and every attendee should have a say. There are many factors to consider when deciding upon a book, such as topic, length, difficulty, price, publication date, and accessibility from different types of readers (Renner 2017). These factors are essential to consider with the attendees in mind, as some topics may cause friction or make some members uncomfortable. Some readers may not be willing to spend a lot on a book, and some may require audiobooks, so price and accessibility are essential to consider. Let members nominate and decide on books and maintain a fair process to select books to read in the future.

Have your first meeting!

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Finally, it’s time to meet with your book club! Even if everyone in your group is already close, it’s always fun to get to know everybody by asking silly icebreakers or even more profound questions. You can get to know the attendees better by asking about the last meaningful thing they read or what books inspired them as a kid. Picking a name is also essential- make it as silly as you want and don’t hold back!

Plan activities and events to keep the book club exciting

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Book clubs tend to ‘burn out’ after a while. How will you keep things interesting?  Planning an activity will make your meetings even more fun. Members can bring snacks and discuss over a potluck, or you can decide on a new, fun meeting spot to spice things up. Sharing in small groups or fun debates can also make guests feel more comfortable and willing to share their ideas. 

Celebrate finishing a book!

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When you finish a book together, make sure to show your love to the book club members by celebrating! Is there a movie of the book you watch together with popcorn? Why not have a party based on the theme of the book? Have fun with your book group and celebrate finishing every book, and there will surely be many to come!

Images: Giphy


Furlan, J. (2020, January 14). How to Start a Book Club That Actually Meets. NPR. Retrieved from

Polleck, J. N., & Epstein, T. (2015). Affirmation, Analysis, and Agency: Book Clubs as Spaces for Critical Conversations with Young Adolescent Women of Color. Reading Horizons: A Journal of Literacy and Language Arts, 54 (1). Retrieved from 

Renner, R. (2019, October 29). How to start a book club that doesn’t suck. Book Riot. Retrieved from 


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